Thursday, October 30, 2008

GRC at Cybera Summit 08

I recently attended Cybera Summit 08 in Banff (September 29-30, 2008) where I gave a couple of presentations on projects we are working on at the Grid Research Centre (GRC). The presentations were as follows:
  • Cloud Computing on the HP Labs Data Centre at the University of Calgary

    • This presentation gave an overview of cloud computing and highlighted the GRCs cloud computing research efforts on the HP Labs Data Centre at the University of Calgary. We are working on the development of ASPEN, an Automated Service Provisioning ENvironment. It is aimed at effectively utilizing virtual machine technologies to enable data centre automation and to support dynamic and scalable provisioning of cloud services. We are also exploring the use of social networking platforms in providing access to cloud services. This work is being done in collaboration with HP Labs.

  • Rendering on the Cloud: A Cybera Industry Pilot Project with EDM Studio

    • This presentation gave an overview of a Cybera Industry Pilot Project with EDM Studio Inc. that the GRC is working on. The goal of the project is to create an on-demand cloud-based rendering service for generating animations. In the completed phase 1 of the project a static environment in the HP Labs Data Centre at the University of Calgary for rendering images was created. Phase 2 of the project, currently in progress, is aimed at the development of an on-demand, dynamic rendering service that will be supported using ASPEN described above. Other aims of phase 2 include the use of data management tools to more efficiently move and manage data and the development of a collaborative user portal, that leverages social networking technologies, for accessing the data management and rendering services.

Both of these presentations, as well as other presentations from the Cybera Summit are available on slideshare.