Monday, October 26, 2009

CFP: PADS 2010 (Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation)

*** Deadline January 8, 2010 ***
24th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on
Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation
(PADS) 2010

May 17-19, 2010,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

The Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS), formerly called Parallel and Distributed Simulation, is soliciting papers in all aspects of simulation technology, expanding the traditional focus on parallel and distributed simulation methods and applications.

Specifically, the steering and program committees look forward to high-quality paper submissions in the following areas:

* The construction of simulation engines using advanced computer science technology.
* Techniques for constructing scalable simulations.
* Advanced modeling techniques that allow solution of previously difficult or impossible problem domains.
* Simulation visualization techniques.
* Algorithms and methods for parallel or distributed simulation, including synchronization, scheduling, memory management, and load balancing.
* Applications of large--scale or distributed simulation methods.
* Distributed interactive simulation and distributed virtual environments.
* Tools and techniques for interoperability of simulations; emulations of real systems.
* Mechanisms for efficient design of experiments.

Sponsors (approvals pending):
ACM Special Interest Group on Simulation (SIGSIM), IEEE Computer
Society Technical Committee on Simulation (IEEE-TCSIM), and Society
for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS).

Important Dates:
Paper manuscripts must be submitted no later than January 8, 2010. Electronic submission of postscript or PDF is highly encouraged, using the URL given below. Hard copy submissions are allowed, but six copies must be received by the program chair by the deadline. Notification of acceptance will be made by February 19, 2010. Camera ready copies must be submitted by March 23, 2010.


Papers must be unpublished and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. Each submission must be accompanied by the following information: a short abstract, a complete list of authors and their affiliations, a contact person for correspondence, post and email addresses. Papers must be written in English and should not exceed 10 pages using IEEE Formatting Guidelines (the final versions of accepted papers would be limited to 8 pages, with option to buy additional pages). All submissions will be reviewed using a double-blind review process, i.e., the identity of authors and referees will not be revealed to each other. To ensure blind reviewing, authors' names and affiliations should not appear in the paper, and bibliographic references should be suitably modified.

Selected articles from PADS 2010 will be considered for extension and publication within a Special Issue of SCS Simulation.

General Chairs:
Richard Fujimoto, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
George Riley, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Program Chairs:
Rob Simmonds, University of Calgary, Canada
Francesco Quaglia, University of Rome, Italy

Publicity Chair:
Helen Karatza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


Steering Committee:
S. J.Turner (Chair), Nanyang Tech.Univ.,Singapore
A. S. Elmaghraby (IEEE), Univ. of Louisville, USA
J. Liu, Florida International Univ., USA
K. S.Perumalla, Oak Ridge National Lab., USA
F. Quaglia, Univ. of Rome, Italy
G. F. Riley (ACM), Georgia Inst. of Tech., USA\
B. W. Unger (SCS), Univ. of Calgary, Canada
R. M. Fujimoto (Honorary), Georgia Inst. of Tech., USA

Program Committee:
D. Bauer, High Perf. Technologies, Inc., USA
A. Boukerche, Univ. of Ottawa, Canada
A. Bruzzone, University of Genoa, Italy
W. Cai, Nanyang Tech. Univ., Singapore
C. Carothers, Rensselaer Polytech. Inst., USA
L. Donatiello, Univ. of Bologna, Italy
D. Jefferson, Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab, USA
H. Karatza, Aristotle University of Thesolonica, Greece
A. Lehmann, Univ. der Bundeswehr, Germany
M. Liljenstam, Ericsson Research, Sweden
J. Liu, Florida International Univ., USA
J. Luethi, FHS Kufstein Tirol, Austria
D. M. Nicol, Univ. of Illinois, USA
K. S.Perumalla, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
P. F. Reynolds, Univ. of Virginia, USA
D. Roberts, Salford Univ., UK
S. J. E. Taylor, Brunel Univ., UK
Y. M. Teo, National Univ. of Singapore
G. Theodoropoulos, Birmingham Univ., UK
C. Tropper, McGill Univ., Canada
S. J. Turner, Nanyang Tech. Univ., Singapore
A. Uhrmacher, Univ. of Rostock, Germany
P. A. Wilsey, Univ. of Cincinnati, USA

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Schedule of GRC Presentations/Demonstrations at Summit 09

I will be giving several presentations/demonstrations on behalf of the Grid Research Centre (GRC) at Summit 09 in Banff from Oct. 12 - Oct. 16, 2009. Below is the schedule. Please come check them out if you will be at Summit 09!

  • 6:30p.m., Tuesday Oct. 13, 2009 - Dynamic Provisioning of Service Environments with ASPEN as part of the Summit 09 Cloud Challenge
    • I will demonstrate a cloud-based infrastructure for dynamically provisioning virtualized resources called the Automated Service Provisioning ENvironment (ASPEN) , which we developed at the GRC in collaboration with HP Labs. I will showcase two different dynamically provisioned service environments that we are hosting in an ASPEN instance running on the HP Labs Data Centre at the University of Calgary. One is a comprehensive user environment for the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) that allows users to upload and edit input files, submit simulations, interactively visualize results and share results via a Facebook based interface. The other, developed as part of a Cybera funded pilot project, is a graphical rendering environment built on top of the Elgg open source social network platform that enables users to render and share animations/movies. Virtual resources running the services for these environments are dynamically provisioned/reclaimed based on user demand.
  • 10:30a.m., Wednesday Oct. 14, 2009 - Integration and Management of Diverse Environmental Data Sets as part of the New Frontiers in Data Integration Session
    • I will give a presentation discussing some projects that the GRC is working on that involve managing and integrating a variety of environmental data sets. I will discuss the use of Semantic Web technologies such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF) for linking and mapping data and associated metadata and also provide some demonstrations of initial prototypes we have developed.
  • 6:00p.m., Wednesday Oct. 14, 2009 - GeoChronos: An On-line Collaborative Environment for Earth Observation Scientists as part of the CANARIE Network Enabled Platforms Exhibition
    • We will demonstrate a platform called GeoChronos that we are developing as part of a CANARIE funded Network Enabled Platforms (NEP) project. It is an on-line platform leveraging social networking, cloud computing and Semantic Web technologies that is aimed at enabling earth observation scientists to access and share scientific data and applications more easily and to collaborate more effectively.

Monday, October 5, 2009

GRC Partner in New Cybera Pilot Project Initiative: "Cloud Services for Water Management"

The Grid Research Centre (GRC) is partnering with Cybera, Alberta WaterSMART and Tesera Systems Inc. in a new Cybera pilot project called "Cloud Services for Water Management". The pilot project will explore new ways for integrating Alberta-based water data and other types of data and will explore the use of cloud computing services in managing, processing and visualizing such data. A full media release can be found at

Thursday, October 1, 2009

CFP: SIMUTools 2010 (3rd International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques)

The call for papers for the 3rd International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools 2010), of which I am a member of the technical program committee, is available here.
SIMUTools will be held in Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain from March 15-19, 2010.

Important Dates:

Abstract submission : October 12, 2009
Paper submission : October 19, 2009
Poster submission : December 10, 2009
Tentative rebuttal period : December 11, 2009 to January 9, 2010
Notification of acceptance : January 12, 2010
Camera-ready : February 1, 2010
Conference in Malaga : March 15-19, 2010

CFP: CCV 2010 (Annual International Academic Conference on Cloud Computing and Virtualization)

The call for papers for the Annual International Academic Conference on Cloud Computing and Virtualization (CCV 2010), of which I am a member of the technical program committee, can be found here. CCV 2010 will be held in Singapore on May 3-4, 2010.

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission: December 17th, 2009
Author Notification: January 25th, 2010
Final Paper Submission: March 8th, 2010